Monday, August 30, 2010

Rome Day 2: Vatican and a Castle!

On Day 2 we went to St. Peter's and the Vatican. We signed up for a "sketchy tour" with someone picking up tourists off the street. It ended up being sanctioned by the museum at the Vatican, but we didn't know that until we were actually sitting in the museum. We did get to skip lots of 2+ hr lines though! In the end it ended up being worth it!

Our first stop on the tour was St. Peter's Square where we got a few pictures of the Basilica. We were able to come back after the tour was over as well:

This picture is taken from the viewpoint that hides all of the rows of columns in the arch on one side of the square. Behind each column in the picture, there are actually three others, but they are perfectly aligned so that you cannot see any of them:

After the tour we went through the museum and the tour guide led us to his favorite pieces and explained a little about each one. It was pretty interesting. Apparently about 75% of the red marble art in the world is located in the Vatican. The end of the museum tour led sdtraight into the Cistine Chapel, which the famous Micheangelo paintings! No photos were allowed inside, but it was beautiful! And large! And likely to give you a neckache if you stared too long. Following that we were led straight into the catacombs of the popes, also no photos.

We finally made it to the inside of St. Peter's Church (or Basilica). Everything was grand inside with elaborate carvings along each pillar and wall. This picture does not do it justice:

After visiting the Vatican, we walked over to an old castle only a few blocks away which used to serve as the retreat for the Pope in case Vatican City and St. Peter's was invaded. We ate lunch there and were joined by a very bold pigeon:

We walked along the river afterward. This is a picture of the Castle at night and the bridge of angels leading to it:

We ate dinner at Navona Plazza where there were many street artists. Including this guy who was making beautiful paintings using spraypaint! We ended up buying one of his prints!

After the long day, we made it back to our hotel and simply passed out.

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