Friday, August 6, 2010

Amsterdam again!

The second and third day in Amsterdam were also fantastic.

On the second day we first had lunch/breakfast at The Pancake House. Dutch pancakes are very different from US ones and stuffed or covered with all sorts of things! Mine had a garlic spiced meat and Andrew's had Apples backed into it and ice cream on top!

Then we took a canal bus to look at various sights in the city. Amsterdam has a general center and then concentric rings and cross sections of canals radiate out from the center. We found the Museum of Science and Technology... which has it's very own PIRATE SHIP!

And Central Station, where you can catch a train to various other parts of Holland... or the airport:

Next to it is a parking garage for bicycles! Everyone rides a bicycle in Amsterdam. No one walks unless it's to get to their bikes, very few people drive a car, some people take the public transportation (which is pretty damn good), and pretty much everyone rides a bike. The parking garage isn't enough! There were bikes everywhere!

We also caught an impromptu breakdancing show!

Afterwards we went back to the place we're staying and made dinner and then ventured back out to The Anne Frank House (or The Anne Frank Huis). They didn't allow any photos inside, but it was really interesting to wander through where she and seven other people had lived for years before someone turned them in, never being able to leave and being completely dependent on others for food and support.

On the third day I wandered for a bit on my own, but then a few of the people Andrew lived with before were coming over for dinner so we prepped and cooked until they arrived. It was a fun night though! A couple from China, a girl from Spain and her Dutch boyfriend all came over to eat with us and hang out. It was nice to have a chill evening.

Day 4 I wandered on my own, bought some souvenirs, went to the center where the museums were but there was over an hour wait to get into any of them by the time I got there, so I just wandered outside and went in search of statues and other things to take pictures of.

That evening we packed up and went to Italy though! Which calls for another post at another time! We've been here 2 days now, starting in Rome and then tonight we'll get on a train to Florence. Exciting!

1 comment:

  1. The pancakes look delicious! Can we try making them when you get home?
    Glad you're having a good time. :-)
