Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ohh boy!

I'm here!

Lots of craziness happened...
1) My flight got delayed by 2 hours in DC (already wrote about that)
2) They didn't have a "car" for me, so I have a monstrous SUV instead (luckily I drive one anyway)
3) I got lost on the way to the hotel, had to ask 2 police officers standing outside in a McDonald's parking lot for directions: "You a long way from Savanne road baby."
4) I got to the hotel and they didn't have me registered as staying there.
5) Girl making hotel arrangements asked why I hadn't received the e-mail she sent (checked later, she did not send it to either of my e-mail accounts)
6) Got directions to new place to stay and had to call them because I wasn't quite lost on the way there, but I hadn't gone far enough and the road ended. Apparently it continued by taking a right and a left.
7) Finally got to the bed and breakfast I'm staying at safe and sound and stayed up (too late) talking to another employee and the hosts.
8) Got up early to shower and eat breakfast and go to an orientation at 8am
9) Got to main location and they didn't want to give us ID badges because we're "field technicians" and won't be at the main location - apparently we can get arrested if we're on or off site in specific locations without proper ID, as in their badges.
10) There's no further orientation or training or, well, anything, as far as I can tell for new hires. I'm still highly unsure of payroll things.
11) I had to resend a bunch of info, but got to fill out I9s, and finally got my e-mail address (which has nothing in it even though several people have said they've sent stuff to it).
12) I made sure they had booked me at the B&B for tonight as well, got back and the host said that someone else had told her earlier that I wasn't staying there and shouldn't have been there last night either. Recalled and I am staying here, just either rooming with someone or on a sofabed - I don't really care as long as I don't have to sleep in the car.

1) Food is delicious
2) It is warm (hot and humid at points) and sunny out most of the time
3) The B&B is quaint and the hosts are sweet
4) EVERYONE is nice that I've met so far and from all over - though mostly California and Florida it seems, at least with the group I'm working for.

That's all for now - more training stuff to read.


  1. Well I'm glad everyone's nice, but it sounds like they have some organization issues... of course, we noticed that all last week, too. Good luck tomorrow!

  2. I am glad to hear you are safe & sound but I would be a little concerned about working for such a disorganized group. I hope things go more smoothly down the road.

  3. Same ol' Bri. You never sleep :-)
