Saturday, August 10, 2013

On the road to Vegas

Whew! After 5 extra days in Las Vegas, we did eventually make it to San Francisco. However, we have been super busy with moving in, buying furniture, and settling, which means I have been horrible about making an updated post!

So in between Texas and Vegas, we took roughly two days for the drive and stopped at the infamous Roswell, New Mexico along the way. This post is mainly pictures from the road while we're in the car and aliens!

We saw some great wind turbines throughout the drive and even the blades of one on the highway trying to take an offramp. Not sure if it made it around the corner, but it looked large like an airplane wing!

In Roswell, NM, they really play up the alien encounter and have an entire museum dedicated to stories from the general public and military about the debris they found and the "bodies" they saw. It was... interesting.

Also a few tourist trap attractions where you could take pictures with aliens.

We saw a lot of the road in general, with some pretty epic flat stretches... 

...and some great landscape closer to Vegas.

Eventually, we made it to Vegas! Where the MIT Pi Reunion for the class of 2010 (roughly 3.1415 years after you graduate) was happening for the weekend and we had several friends who were going. More pictures from that to come!

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