Tuesday, July 9, 2013


After DC we went to Baltimore to go to the National Aquarium. We first wandered the waterfront and had tapas for lunch in front of the USS Constellation.

The aquarium itself was awesome! Tons of sharks and large fish, including these...

And this large set of jaws at the entrance.

There were also some unique creatures such as this guy...

And this peacock/painted mantis shrimp. It has an appendage it uses as a club to punch, stun, and break open its prey. It can punch hard enough to break glass!

There was also a dolphin show that was pretty cool where they talked about the different ways they train the dolphins to do tricks.

The aquarium also has a pretty epic Austrailia exhibit, jellyfish, Amazon section and shark tank.

After the aquarium we had dinner at an Italian restaurant with Lauren and a liquid nitrogen martini.

The next day we had breakfast with Dan and Crystal and finally got to meet Christopher at a diner. After much food and playing with the baby we continued our trek on to Nashville.


  1. How was the liquid nitrogen martini? Does it freeze your throat?

    1. Nope! They tell you that you have to wait for the smoke to clear before drinking it. It was pretty tastey!
