Friday, April 8, 2011

New Job...

So I've been at the new job for four weeks now and we are busy! Only because their main event (a large conference for all of their clients in North America) is happening in the beginning of May, so this is the busiest time of the year for everyone.

Otherwise, things have been busy with events, seeing people, moving, settling, working, trying to keep up with a ceramics class I'm taking, keeping up with STeLA, etc. Busy and fun, but definitely busier than I thought I'd be this spring.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wow so it's been awhile!

Went to NYC for the MLK holiday. Got to see lots of friends I haven't seen in awhile, tried a delicious Vegan restaurant, and had authentic New York style pizza. We went to the Museum of Natural History for awhile, walked through Central Park, took the Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.

Easter Isles statue:

Dinosaur in the main entrance of the Museum of Natural History:

Statue of Liberty on our sunset ferry trip:

Snow covered Central Park

Stock Market bull - which I've never actually seen before!

A Patriotic Empire State Building:

In other news, I have accepted a full time job here in Mass! So I won't be traveling to the south anymore. It'll be nice to be in one place and to know my schedule for more than 2 weeks in advance. It's a quick turn around as I'll be starting Monday (only accepted last Thursday!) so trying to get everything in semi-order before then. I'm definitely excited for it! We'll see how it goes!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Travels again

Went to Baltimore/DC a few weekends ago to visit friends. Didn't really have any pictures to put up because most of the time was spent with friends. It was restaurant week in Baltimore so we went to a bistro one night for dinner and it was absolutely delicious!

This weekend we're off to NYC. Some sight seeing, some excellent dining, and some more of seeing friends. =)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winter wonderland

Here are pictures of snow from like 2 weeks ago!

Tree branches that fell in the front yard, on the roof in the middle of the night and landed on the walkway in front of the house.

House from the front... yes it was still snowing.

The trench left by the snowplow.

The snow covered trees in the front yard.

The pond, completely covered. The poor little fisherman in the corner is buried.

That's all!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More winter pictures on hold

I do have them, but I forgot my camera and it will probably take a week or so to get it and load the pictures up.

In other news... it is snowing here again.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Noreaster supposed to blow through town tomorrow. Mayhap I'll have some more snowy pictures for you coming up soon...

Monday, January 10, 2011


Working from home this month. Which means I actually have weekends to see people and DO things! Although the work itself isn't necessarily that exciting this time around, at least it's work and I don't have to live out of a suitcase for once!

I thought I'd put up a couple of winter pictures from the storm right after Christmas for your enjoyment. This was the storm that dropped about 20 inches in our fair city. There's still a lot of snow out here...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Onward, onward

New Years Eve and Day in Portland were great! Ate at nice restaurants, drove around old neighborhoods, went to cousin's wedding, saw family, went to OMSI, etc. It was still freezing, but I guess it is winter and to be expected.

Then flew down to southern Oregon to visit more family. Was supposed to arrive yesterday but it was "too foggy" to land in Medford, so I ended up flying into Eugene today (was going to meet family there anyway). Worked out well and then drove with my grandma back to Grants Pass and here I am and will be for the next few days!