Saturday, December 4, 2010

On the water

Back out on the water, this time scheduled for 16 days rather than the usual 12. It doesn’t seem like too much longer, but I’m sure on day 12 I’ll be singing a different tune. We’re also doing 24 hour operations, so I’ll be rotating with another person, but working a noon to midnight shift. Which should be an interesting experience.

This ship is pretty exciting. We have an ROV and the ability to collect sediment core samples from the very bottom of the ocean. For now, we’ve located ourselves next to some oil rigs so there is something to see on the water this time. And every now and then another ship passes by. However, most of my time is and will be spent inside either the quarters we’re using for data and where all the computers are or inside the ship itself (eating/sleeping).

By the time I get home (unless we get in early, which is highly unlikely), my parents should be back in Massachusetts as well. Yay holidays! Then visiting Oregon to see a wedding and family of all sorts for about a week. Then back to cold, cold Boston and Attleboro. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to work remotely for the rest of that month and get to do some skiing. I might try to swing in a visit to the Washington DC / Baltimore area to visit college friends who are living there now. That’s the current plan anyway. Who knows what will actually happen.

I’m probably not going to write too much over the next two weeks though because it’s going to be the same thing day in and day out… although hopefully the food will change a little every day!

That’s all for now…

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